
A lightweight blog theme for Zola (and to my knowledge the first of now many themes created specifically for Zola).

Live demo 🔗




Zola allows themes to define [extra] variables in the config. Here's a full list of theme variables with example values and comments.

# Regular variables you might want to set...
title = "My site" # Otherwise, this will read "Home" in the nav

# Specify a theme
# Default: unset
# by default, feather enables light and dark mode
# (and switching when javascript is enabled.)
# However, if you prefer to only allow one mode,
# set this to "dark" or "light".
feather_theme = "dark"

# Quickly insert into `<head>`
# Default: unset
feather_head = "<script>alert()</script>"

# Add Disqus comments
# Default: unset
# Adds comments to pages by providing your
# disqus domain. Comments will not appear on
# index pages, etc.
feather_disqus_domain = "mysite-com"

# Hide the nav bottom border/background image
# Default: false
feather_hide_nav_image = true


Using feather is easy. Install Zola and follow the guide for creating a site and using a theme. Then, add theme = "feather" to your config.toml file.

If you intend to publish your site to GitHub Pages, please check out this tutorial.

You can specify tags taxonomies .

Developing & Contributing

Because feather comes with example content, you can run the theme just like any Zola blog with zola serve.