A screenshot (dark theme) of the example page of the demo website A screenshot (light theme) of the example page of the demo website
A blog theme for Zola. Simple, elegant and uses Tailwind. Based on Isunjns Serene theme.




This theme wouldn't have existed without Isunjns Serene theme. It's a great theme, so go check that one out as well.

When I doubted about layout, I always went to look at FasterThanLimes blog to see how he did it.

Of course, this website wouldn't render without Zola and it wouldn't show anything without Tailwind.

Tranquil vs Serene

Tranquil is a fork of Serene. The main reason to fork was not that I thought Serene was bad: I just wanted to try out Tailwind for a while and reimplementing a blog theme seemed like the perfect way to do so.

The main and pretty much only difference between Tranquil and Serene is that the styling is built from scratch with Tailwind. The icons have also been changed to align better with Tailwind.

